Sunday 12 January 2014

Sports Cakes

As much as I love to make little cute cupcakes, sometimes you just have to raise the bar a little and try to make some serious birthday cake. That’s what I did this week.

I was asked to make 2 birthday cakes for 2 different persons. The first one practically lives at the gym, the second one just loves soccer. These two themes in mind, I was ready to start my own episode of fabulous cakes!

The first one is just a red velvet cake coated in sugarpaste and decorated with marzipan figures (which I entirely made myself).

The second one is also a red velvet cake, coated in sugarpaste and decorated with marzipan. But this one has a cream cheese oreo filling (mm.. so good!).

Want to see more pictures or just make one yourself?

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Healthy new year !

Happy new year everyone !

As you may have noticed, i haven't been blogging very much lately. I've been travelling a lot and as I like to take my time to write a piece, I ended up with several drafts I never published.

But it's the start of a new year which means it's time for some serious new year's resolutions! Or not. We all now the "new year, new me" is bullcrap, so I'm just keeping it simple with these 2 resolutions: